Public Hearing - Revision to Land Use Bylaw

ANNOUNCEMENT (announcement retained for information)

A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday November 14, 2023 (as an agenda item of the Regular Council Meeting) to allow residents to review and give feedback on a proposed revision to the Land Use Bylaw.

The revision to Land Use Bylaw 04 / 2021 contains amended provisions for Central Commercial District C1 and was granted 1st reading by Council during the Regular Council Meeting of 25th September, 2023.

The proposed amendment allows for:

i  a redefinition of the general purpose to include "some compatible residential uses",

ii an amendment to discretionary uses to include "Apartments". 

Following 1st reading there is a requirement to give notice of a public hearing as per Page 19, section 5.6.8 of the Town of Bowden Land Use Bylaw which states:

 “Following first reading of an amending bylaw, the Development Officer must give notice of the public hearing by doing at least one of the following:

  1. publishing notice at least once a week for two consecutive weeks in at least one newspaper or other publication circulating in the area to which the proposed bylaw relates,
  2. mailing or delivering notice to every residence in the area to which the proposed bylaw relates,
  3. advertising on the Town’s municipal website for at least 4 consecutive weeks”.

The revised bylaw (after 1st reading) is hereby made available for review / download below: 

Land Use Bylaw 07 / 2023

(posted 26 September 2023).