The Town has a Land Use Bylaw this being a requirement of the Municipal Government Act.
A Land Use Bylaw sets out the rules and regulations that control the use and development of land & buildings within the Municipality as well as the process for making development permit decisions.
Development Permits are necessary to regulate the use of lands and buildings in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw and any other enactments, for example: the Safety Codes Act.
All Development Permit and Safety Codes Permit applications should be made directly to the Red Deer County planning office (the Town's designated Development Authority).
A Development Officer is authorized to make decisions on development permit applications provided they are "permitted use" types with no variances or relaxations to the Land Use Bylaw.
Permit application forms and checklists can be found on the Planning & Development page of the Red Deer County website.
Permits for Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing & Fire compliance should also be obtained from Red Deer County.
For general information on Safety Codes please refer to the Alberta Safety Codes Council website.
The Land Use Bylaw contains details on the procedures for issuing Developments Permits and the Appeal process.
Further information on how the planning decision making process operates and how appeals are made can be found on the tab opposite titled "Planning Authorities, Planning Decisions & Appeal Bodies".
Revision to Land Use Bylaw 04 / 2021 - Bylaw 07 / 2023
Land Use Bylaw Map (updated Sept 2021)