More of the history of Bowden can be found at the Bowden Pioneer Museum, located at 2201 - 19 Ave.
Housed in the old curling rink, and managed by the Bowden Historical Society, the museum provides a fascinating factual history of the Town.
(Normal) opening hours of the museum are:
tbc (2025)
The museum hours are: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11am - 4pm
Guided tours are offered by informative friendly staff.
To arrange a private contact Grant or Sandy Hengstler at 403-224-3895 or Sandy Gamble at 403-224-3582.
Please contact the Bowden Historical Society for further information: | |
Phone | (403) 224 2122 | |
Artifacts at the museum include:
- The Gerald Robin O'Brien Hoare exhibition, consisting of a replica of "Bob's" home and studio including his cameras, photo equipment and an amazing collection of some of the earliest photographs taken within the Province providing a complete historical archive of the typical Alberta village and farm life at the turn of the 20th century.
- The Irene M. Wood collection consisting of over 6000 items of Avon products collected over a period of 30 years.
- Eastern Star exhibits portraying a long history of Eastern Star in Alberta.
- Hardware & General Store displays containing a varied collection of memorabilia items from down the ages
- The Chamber of Commerce Avenue showcasing the many businesses that have existed in Bowden over the past 100 years.