Municipal Election 2025 - Voter Information

Voter Information.

To vote in the 2025 municipal election in the Town of Bowden, you must be:  

  • at least 18 years of age, 
  • a Canadian citizen, a resident of the Town of Bowden, and,  
  • a resident in the Town of Bowden for six consecutive months prior to October 20, 2025 (Election Day).

Under section 49 of the Local Authorities Election Act (Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000. Chapter L-21. current as of October 31, 2024) a provision is made that states: “a municipality must prepare a permanent electors register of residents in the municipality who are eligible to vote”. 

This is a new requirement placed upon the Town for the 2025 Municipal Election. 

The Provincial Government will assist the Town in preparing the register by providing data from the Elections Alberta database.  

As the Returning Officer for the Town of Bowden, I strongly recommend that electors register to vote on the provincial database by using the link provided below to “Voterlink”. 

You can use this secure web link to: 

  • confirm you are on the database (if you have voted in the past at a Provincial election or byelection), 
  • update your information currently held on the database (if you have voted in the past at a Provincial election or byelection but you are new to the Town of Bowden), 
  • register as a voter (if you have not voted or registered in the past). 

Registering will streamline the election experience for both the electorate and Town officials at the time of voting.

If you do not register in advance, a declaration, photo proof of identity, and documented proof of your civic address will be required at the time of voting. 

To be ready to vote, please take time to register by using the link below: 


Arno Glover

Returning Officer.