The Town of Bowden Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) is enacted by the Municipal Government Act (Part 17 Planning & Development, Division 3).
The powers and responsibilities of the Municipal Planning Commission are defined by the Town of Bowden Council Committee Bylaw, 05/2022 and the Town of Bowden Land Use Bylaw.
The MPC meets as required according to either need or statutory requirement to act as the authority for development applications referred to it by a Red Deer County Development Officer, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Town of Bowden Land Use Bylaw.
These would typically be discretionary use permits where a variance to the Land Use Bylaw requires MPC approval or developments where public consultation is required.
The MPC consists of all elected Councillors and the Mayor, who together have the power to either approve (either with or without conditions) or refuse a development application.
The next Municipal Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for:
Monday March 24, 2025 at 6:30pm in Council Chambers
The purpose of the meeting is to review the application of the subdivision of Lot 3, Block 14, Plan 4832GP located at 2312 20th Avenue, Bowden.
The agenda for this meeting is provided below.
The Minutes of MPC meetings are available below: