Developments Permits & Proposed Development Notices

Development Permits

A Development Permit issued by a Development Officer does not come into effect until 21 days after the date on which the notice of proposed development is given (please refer to the Town's Land Use Bylaw for further information on Development Permits and Notices).

Any person who deems themselves affected by the issuance of a Development Permit may appeal to the Subdivision & Development Appeal Board within 21 days of the date of decision.

All appeal applications must be submitted to a Red Deer County, Development Officer.

PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS (subject to approval by MPC) are listed as follows:

(click on text to open up document)

1 Permit Application DB-24-001 (Apartments) Discretionary Use

Details of the planning application are provided below. 

Planning Application DB-24-001 Apartments

The Notice of Development is provided below:

Notice of Development 

This application was APPROVED subject to a 21 day appeal period commencing March 8, 2024.

An appeal has been submitted to the SubDivision & Development Appeal Board.

The Notice of Appeal can be viewed here

An appeal hearing will be held on Wednesday April 21, 2024 at 1:00pm at the Red Deer County Council Chambers.

This is a public hearing.


Permit Application - DB23-001 - Go Outdoor Advertising (application DENIED)

2 Setback Relaxation Application BRPR 23-004 - Stevenson Development Corp (application APPROVED)

Permit Application DB-23-013 - Apartments  (application DENIED)

4 Permit Application DB-23-012 - Communications Tower  (APPROVED)

This application was APPROVED by the Municipal Planning Commission on February 5, 2024.

Attached is the Notice of Decision document. 

Notice of Decision for DB-23-012

For information on how to make an appeal please contact the Town Administration Office or refer to the residents guidelines available in the pdf resources section of this web page. 

Development Permits Issued (2023)

DB 23-002 Development Permit Maedel

DB 23-003 Development Permit Lacombe

DB 23-004 Development Permit Doll

DB 23-005 Development Permit Fieguth

DB 23-006 Development Permit Bowden Hotel

DB 23-007 Development Permit Ellison

DB 23-008 Development Permit Konschuh

DB 23-009 Development Permit Gayle & Bojechko

DB 23-010 Development Permit Germain & Gordon

DB 23-011 Development Permit Stevenson Homes

DB 23-012 Development Permit RDC Communications Tower

Development Permits Issued (2022)

DB 22-002 Development Permit ZAP Industries

DB 22-003 Development Permit Olson

DB 22-004 Development Permit Bustard

DB 22-005 Development Permit Ptarmigan Homes

DB 22-006 Development Permit Bustard

DB 22-007 Development Permit Dyke

DB 22-008 Development Permit Webb

DB 22-009 Development Permit Normark Homes

DB 22-010 Development Permit Lea

DB 22-011 Development Permit Murray

DB 22-012 Development Permit Lea

DB 22-013 Development Permit Johnson

DB 22-014 Development Permit Lacombe

DB-22-015 Development Permit Herman

DB 22-016 Develoment Permit Morison

Summary of Development Permits Issued (2020 - 2023)

2023 Development Permits

2022 Development Permits

2021 Development Permits

2020 Development Permits